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Promoting the Use of Environmentally Friendly Organic Manure

Promoting the Use of Environmentally Friendly Organic Manure

By advocating for the widespread adoption of organic manure, Mother Nature Conservation Initiative (MNCI) aims to reduce the reliance on synthetic fertilizers, minimize soil degradation, and support the long-term health of ecosystems.

$ 7000 to go
Abandon the polythene bag (Kaveera)

Abandon the polythene bag (Kaveera)

In line with this commitment, Mother Nature Conservation Initiative strongly advocates for abandoning the use of polythene bags, commonly known as Kaveera, as they have a detrimental impact on our planet.

$ 700 to go

Lets keep Mother Nature Safe

Plot 683 Wills Road Namirembe, Kampala, Uganda. P.0.Box106138. Tel: +256 702009614 | +256 750 489756